Probate Forms (AZ)

Updated Oct 5, 2024
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There are a number of state-specific forms you may need when going through the probate process.

General AZ Forms

In Arizona, estate probate is handled by a Superior Court in the county in which the decedent lived.

Below you will find links that allow you to download and use some of the more common AZ probate forms (you may want to check with your local court for form preferences):

  1. Application for Probate - Get the probate process started
  2. Waiver and Consent - Attach to Application from each person with higher priority to serve
  3. Waiver of Bond - Attach to Application if desired and not addressed by will
  4. Declaration of Training - Tell the court you have completed any required executor training
  5. Notice of Appointment - Notify interested parties of your appointment as executor
  6. Proof of Notice of Appointment - Tell the court you delivered the required appointment notices
  7. Notice to Creditors - Notify creditors of probate
  8. Proof of Notice to Creditors Form - Tell the court you notified creditors
  9. Inventory and Appraisement - Tell the court about estate contents
  10. Final Accounting - Submit final financials to court
  11. Closing Statement - Submit Closing Statement to court

Most of the above forms are for Maricopa County (which is where most people live in AZ). See Maricopa Probate for a nice overview of the probate process, and additional forms required in various situations. See also Pinal County Probate Forms.

For other AZ counties, please contact the local court for their version of the form, or if none are available, modify the Maricopa ones as needed (i.e., change the name of the county, etc.).

You can also obtain a Declaration of Training (i.e., a Certificate of Completion) by viewing the AZ Judicial Branch personal representative training program.

Small AZ Estate Forms

Small estates sometimes need only 1 specialized form or affidavit: see Small AZ Estates.

Using AZ Probate Forms

If you are using a licensed EstateExec estate, information about finding your court will appear here.

For information on using AZ probate forms, see How to Become Executor for an AZ Estate, and Overall Probate Process in AZ.

Note: If you are using EstateExec, the Tasks Tab will list a series of steps that help you understand which form to use when.

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