Probate Forms (NM)
There are a number of state-specific forms you may need when going through the probate process.
General NM Forms
In New Mexico, the local District Court handles the more complex estate cases, while the local the County Probate Judge handles uncontested wills and informal estate probate. If you are using EstateExec and you enter the decedent's county of legal residence on the Decedent tab, you will see a direct link to the Probate Judge here.
Below you will find links that allow you to download and use some of the more common NM probate forms (you may want to check with your local court for form preferences):
- Application for Probate of Will and Informal Appointment (Form 4B-302) - Get the probate process started
- Application for Informal Appointment (Form 4B-301) - Get the probate process started if there is no will
- Acceptance of Appointment (Form 4B-301) - Include with your Application
- Order for Informal Appointment (Form 4B-303) - Include with your Application if there is no will
- Order for Informal Probate (Form 4B-304) - Include with your Application if there is a will
- Notice of Appointment (Form 4B-401) - Notify heirs of you have been appointed personal representative
- Proof of Notice (Form 4B-402) - Tell the court you notified the heirs
- Notice to Creditors (Form 4B-501) - Tell creditors to submit any claims
- Estate Inventory (Form 4B-601) - You may want to attach EstateExec's Inventory Report
- Accounting (Form 4B-602 - You may want to attach EstateExec's Accounting Report
- Closing Statement (Form 4B-701) - Tell the court you are done
The above forms are provided by the New Mexico Courts. See NM Court Forms and select Probate Courts for a more complete list of forms that may be required in certain situations.
Small NM Estate Forms
Small estates sometimes need only 1 specialized form or affidavit: see Small NM Estates.
Using NM Probate Forms
If you are using a licensed EstateExec estate, information about finding your court will appear here.
For information on using NM probate forms, see
How to Become Executor for
Note: If you are using EstateExec, the Tasks Tab will list a series of steps that help you understand which form to use when.
Additional Information
In case you're interested, probate forms for other states can be found here: