Probate Forms (DE)

Updated Oct 5, 2024
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There are a number of state-specific forms you may need when going through the probate process.

General DE Forms

In Delaware, the Court of Chancery in the relevant county handles estate matters (see Chancery Court locations). The Register of Wills is a clerk of the Court of Chancery, and each clerk maintains his or her own website: New Castle Register, Kent Register, Sussex Register.

Below you will find links that allow you to download and use some of the more common DE probate forms (you may want to check with your local court for form preferences):

  1. Petition to Act as Personal Representative - Get the probate process started if there is a will
  2. Renunciation - Submit with petition from anyone with equal or higher priority to serve as executor
  3. Power of Attorney - Required if executor is not a DE resident
  4. List of Beneficiaries - Tell the court who will inherit
  5. Notice Waiver - Have beneficiaries waive the requirement to receive notices
  6. Estate Inventory - Report estate contents (consider attaching EstateExec Inventory Report)
  7. Accounting - Estate financial report (consider attaching EstateExec Accounting Report)

Each county prefers its own forms; the above list is from New Castle County, and you can find a more more complete list of New Castle probate forms that may be required in certain situations.

See also Kent County probate forms and Sussex County probate forms.

Small DE Estate Forms

Small estates sometimes need only 1 specialized form or affidavit: see Small DE Estates.

Using DE Probate Forms

If you are using a licensed EstateExec estate, information about finding your court will appear here.

For information on using DE probate forms, see How to Become Executor for a DE Estate, and Overall Probate Process in DE.

Note: If you are using EstateExec, the Tasks Tab will list a series of steps that help you understand which form to use when.

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