AR Probate Forms

Updated May 22, 2024
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There are a number of state-specific forms you may need when going through the probate process.

General Forms

In Arkansas, estate probate is handled by the County Court in which the estate is located.

You can check with your local court for the forms they might prefer, and below you will find some of the more common AR forms:

  1. Petition for Probate of Will (Form 3) - Get the probate process started
  2. Petition for Administration without Will (Form 2) - Get the probate process started if there is no will
  3. Notice of Hearing (Form 5) - Notify interested parties about hearing on petition
  4. Bond of Personal Representative (Form 6) - Tell the court you have obtained any required bond
  5. Notice of Appointment (Form 13) - Notify interested parties of your appointment
  6. Notice of Appointment without Will (Form 12) - Notify interested parties of your appointment in the absence of a will
  7. Notice to Surviving Spouse (Form 14) - Notify spouse of filing deadlines
  8. Petition for Award of Family Allowances (Form 16) - Ask the court for statutory entitlements
  9. Estate Inventory (Form 17) - Report estate contents (consider attaching EstateExec Inventory Report)
  10. Estate Accounting (Form 20) - Tell court about estate finances (consider attaching EstateExec Accounting Report
  11. Notice of Accounts (Form 21) - Notify interested parties you have filed an accounting

See AR Probate Forms for a more complete list of forms that may be required in certain situations (and note that there is no official form for a Probate Bond Waiver).

Small Estates

Small estates sometimes need only 1 specialized form or affidavit: see Small AR Estates.

Additional Information

See also Overall Probate Process in AR.

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