Estate Overview

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The Overview tab summarizes estate status, and enables management of estate-wide settings.

Charts and graphs showing overall progress and status

Estate Settings

Label: The Estate Label is a short name you can use to differentiate between your EstateExec estates. Note that this name is also used as the title of the Decedent tab, so it makes sense to keep it short.

Estate and Executor States: Some aspects of the settlement process differ from province to province, and some provinces have special requirements for executors who do not reside within the estate's province. Changing these settings will affect the Tasks list.

Estate Actions Button: Manages list of people to whom you wish to grant edit or view access for this estate (see Share Access).

Tasks Progress

Tracks percentage completion of the Task List (see Track Tasks).

Estate Net Value

Estate net value is the value of all estate assets, minus any debts or obligations, and is calculated using information entered on the other tabs.

At Death: The net worth of the estate at the time of death, considering both assets and debts. This number is important when determining estate taxes.

Remaining: The current net worth of the estate, including assets that have not yet been distributed, minus any remaining debts (including unreimbursed executor expenses). Does not include distributions already done.

Distributed: The amount already distributed to heirs.

Do not expect Remaining + Distributed to equal At Death. Some assets appreciate or depreciate, there are taxes to pay, ongoing income and expenses related to managing the estate, etc.

Looking for estate gross value (total estate value ignoring any debts or obligations)? It can be found in the footer row of the Assets tab.

Bequests and Beneficiaries

Many of the data elements on the Overview tab allow you to include (or not) items that are specifically identified as Bequests or Beneficiary in distributions (see Making Distributions for more information about these designations). Typically, an estate is valued based on all contents, regardless of designation, hence the Estate Value includes these by default. However, it's also typical that a will specifies certain percentages of the estate for individual heirs, after first excluding any specific bequests and assets with named beneficiaries (such as life insurance policies); hence the heir charts exclude these by default. Circumstances may vary in your case, though, so you can select whatever options make sense in your case.

Estate Disposition

Tracks percentage completion of various aspects of overall estate settlement, based on information entered on other tabs so far.

  • Planned — Of the assets entered, the percentage (by value) that have a settlement plan (i.e., Sell or Distribute).
  • Sold — Of the assets identified for sale, the percentage (by value) that have been Sold.
  • Debts — Of the debts entered, the percentage (by value) that have been resolved (i.e., Forgiven or Paid).
  • Allocated — The percentage of the estate net worth for which Distributions have been defined.
  • Distributed — Of the defined distributions, the percentage (by value) that have been Done.

Heir Allocations

Shows the percent of the estate that each heir has been allocated.

Heir Target Allocations

For each heir with a target distribution percentage, shows the target versus the percent currently allocated.

Estate Notes

Towards the bottom of the tab, there is a section where you can write any notes you want about the estate overall.

Estate Options

At the bottom of the tab, you can set this EstateExec "estate" to be a trust, and you can control the symbol used for currency (e.g., $, £).

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