Define Heir
Show Table of ContentsEstateExec generically uses the term heir for someone who will inherit from the estate (see Determining Heirs for more information, and note that heirs may include charities or other organizations).
Create an Heir
To record the existence of an heir,
- Select the Heirs tab, and click the "Create Heir" button to add a row to the table.
- Click each cell for that heir to record the relevant information (ignore the Residuary, Beneficiary, and Bequests cells for now: they related to distributions you will later define).
- Your changes will be saved when you press the estate "Save All" button.
Heirs Table Notes
Here are a few helpful things to know about the Heirs table :
- Beneficiary: EstateExec will show the amount you have allocated to this heir via distributions with Beneficiary listed as the reason (typically, for automatic transfers of life insurance or retirement funds).
- Bequest: EstateExec will show the amount you have allocated to this heir via distributions with Bequest listed as the reason (for specific grants listed in the will).
- Relation: The relationship between the decedent and an heir is important in certain jurisdictions, where it can impact taxes that may be associated with the inheritance (and which the estate may have to pay).
- Residuary: EstateExec will show the amount you have allocated to this heir via distributions with Residuary or Heir Request listed as the reason (everything other than automatic transfers and specific will bequests).
- SIN: You will likely need heir social insurance numbers for various government filings, but it is not required that you enter them here if you would prefer not to.
- Target %: Enter the percentage of the estate that this heir is supposed to inherit (if any). Percentages are applicable to the net estate after all debts have been resolved, and typically refer to the residuary estate (which excludes specific will bequests as well as assets inherited via the "named beneficiary" mechanism).
See Making Distributions for a discussion of estate distributions in general, and EstateExec Reference: Manage Distributions for details on defining distributions when using EstateExec.
See also Using Tables for an illustration of many things you can do with EstateExec tables in general.
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