User Account Basics
Show Table of ContentsEach person using EstateExec usually has one login (i.e., account). The login name for an account is typically the person's email address.
A user account can create one or more estates, and can access additional estates created by other users (if granted permission to do so).

There is no cost associated with a user account, but each estate requires a license. Once licensed, an estate can be accessed by as many user accounts as desired, at no additional charge.
Create User Account
To create a user account:
- Click the Create Account menu item in the top right.
- Enter the requested information, and press the Create Account button.
Often, a user ends up creating both an account and his or her first estate via the Estates | New menu.
You only need to create an account once.
If you were invited to access an estate that someone else created, and you received an email invitation link, clicking on that link will give you the option to create the account and access the estate all in one step. Alternately, if you already have an account, that emailed sharing link will simply allow you to log into your existing account and access the estate. See Share Access.
To change details of your user account (such as your password), log in and then click the Account menu in the top right.
Create Estate
Often, you end up creating your first estate during the account creation process.
If not, or you wish to create additional estates, see Create Estate.
To allow someone else to access your estate, see Share Access.
Corporate Users
Organizations that manage multiple estates often purchase a "corporate" license, which provides volume discounts and additional management features including an estate dashboard that lets organization members see status and upcoming tasks for all estates (to which they have access). To access the estate dashboard, click the Account menu (top right), and select the Corporate tab.