EstateExec Technical Support

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We're here to help!

Executor's Guide

EstateExec is designed to be easy to use, and includes extensive documentation organized into the following main categories:

  • Introduction: Outlines the main purpose and functionality of EstateExec online software
  • Guide: Explains the high level process of being an executor, and how to use EstateExec to help you
  • Timeline: Lists key activities and responsibilities by time period
  • EstateExec Reference: Provides detailed instructions for using EstateExec software
  • Glossary: Simple explanations of common estate terms

Answers to Common Questions

How do I get started?

Just create an estate and start entering information: the EstateExec Getting Started Wizard will help you begin. [See more at Using EstateExec...]

How do I purchase an EstateExec license?

To license an EstateExec estate, create or open the desired estate, then click the "License Now" button on the Overview tab and follow the instructions. If there is no blue License button in the top right, you have already purchased a license for this estate. [See more at License Estate...]

What's the best way to create a printed list of assets (or other data)?

Every table has a menu in its top right corner. Click the menu icon and export to PDF format, which will open a PDF document in a new browser tab, or download the PDF automatically, depending on your browser. You also have the option to create an Inventory Report via the View | Reports | Inventory menu. [See more at Print Reports...]

How can I download transactions from my bank?

EstateExec enables you to download estate account transactions from most banks into your Cashflow tab: see Bank Import for details and instructions. EstateExec uses Plaid to manage bank connections; if you are having trouble linking to your bank, please see Plaid Help.

How can I export EstateExec data into another tool, such as Excel?

Every table has a menu in its top right corner. Click the menu icon and export to CSV format, which will download a file to your computer that Excel (and other tools) can read. [See more at Export Data...]

How do I distribute an asset to multiple heirs?

You can make a partial distribution of an asset to an heir. On the Distributions tab, click the Create Distribution button, select the asset you wish to distribute in the top right, select "Asset Percentage" for the Distribution Type, and fill out the percentage of the asset that the given heir should receive. [See more at Manage Distributions...]

My attorney and I both have the estate open in our browsers; why can't he see changes I am making?

Multiple people (to whom you have given permission) can simultaneously view estate contents. However, changes you make are not saved to the server until you press the "Save All" button, and will not be visible to other people until they refresh their browser window (press F5 on the PC, Cmd-R on the Mac). [See more at Share Access...]

I have an estate open in multiple browser tabs; why don't changes I make in one tab appear in the others?

Changes you make in one browser tab are not saved until you press the "Save All" button, and will not be visible in other browser tabs until you refresh them (press F5 on the PC, Cmd-R on the Mac). In order to avoid inadvertently working with stale data, it is not recommended that you have the same estate open in multiple browser windows or tabs while you are making changes.

Contact Us

If you cannot find the answer you are seeking in our Help documentation or the topics listed above, please contact us at, and we will generally respond to your query within one business day.

Please note that EstateExec personnel can answer questions about using EstateExec, but cannot answer questions or provide advice concerning legal or tax matters.

Other Assistance

If you'd like help with other matters, such as legal advice or preparing probate application forms, please see Available Services.

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