Ask AI Lenore

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AI Lenore is an intelligent chatbot that can answer questions about estate settlement and using EstateExec. Like any AI agent, she's not perfect, and she cannot provide legal or financial advice, but she can be tremendously helpful.

Interacting with AI Lenore

To use AI Lenore, just click on her picture in the bottom right of your screen.

Tips for Conversation

Here are some suggestions for making the best use of AI Lenore:

  • Let the Tasks Guide You: First, please keep in mind that the EstateExec Tasks have been organized to gradually introduce you to estate settlement and using EstateExec in a logical, understandable order. While AI Lenore will certainly be helpful at any time, we recommend that you let the Task list guide your attention, and that you hold off asking scattershot questions about future topics until the Tasks have had a chance to prepare you to understand those topics in context.
  • Enter Questions, not Keywords: AI Lenore does best when you ask an actual question, rather than typing in a list of keywords. Let her do the work and give you an answer, rather than just links to documents. For example,
    • Rather than type "small estate", ask "What is the small estate limit?"
    • Rather than type "estate distribution, ask "How can I record a distribution using EstateExec?"
  • One Thing at a Time: Ask about only one thing at a time; don't try to combine multiple questions into one.
  • Be Precise: AI Lenore is pretty good at figuring out what you want, but sometimes you may want to get more precise in your questions. For example, if you don't like the answer to "How much should I pay myself", try asking "How should executor fees be calculated in California" (actually, in this example, AI Lenore usually does pretty well even with the first question).
  • Be Direct: Don't confuse her by including a lot of extraneous information in your question, and focus on what you want to know. For example,
    • "Brian has financial problems because he made some bad investments, so needs a check this month" is better as "Can I make a distribution to one heir before the others?"
    • "The credit card company didn't realize Aunt Sally moved, and so her bill went to the wrong place, and I didn't know she owed the money until just now" is better as "How do I record a debt of the decedent's that I didn't know about at the time of death?"
    • "I wasn't paying attention because the dog started barking and I entered an expense in the wrong account and now the totals don't balance" is better as "How do I fix an expense to show as being paid from correct bank account?"
  • Ask Again: If AI Lenore doesn't think she knows an answer to your question, it can sometimes be helpful to ask again, either changing the way you ask, or even just asking the same exact question again: given a second chance, AI Lenore can sometimes figure it out (like a person sent back to drawing board and told to try again).
  • Read the Cited Pages: Most answers include a citation link at the bottom of the answer, which you can click on to double-check what she is saying (AI Agents do sometimes make mistakes!) and look into things more thoroughly.

Remember that AI Lenore be particularly helpful if you don't understand how to use a specific EstateExec feature, or how to accomplish something within EstateExec (for example, "How do I enter an asset into EstateExec", or "How do I share access to EstateExec".


While using AI Lenore, please keep in mind that:

  • AI Lenore is still experimental, and her availability and capabilities may change over time.
  • You should NOT consider anything AI Lenore says as legal or financial advice!
  • AI Lenore cannot answer specific questions about your estate, or what you should do with it.
  • AI agents, like human beings, make mistakes.


AI Lenore is costly to operate, so there are limits on the number of questions allowed.

Casual visitors or users of unlicensed estates can ask a handful of questions.

Users of licensed estates can ask AI Lenore hundreds of questions, probably more than they'll ever need (350 to be exact), but we do still need to protect EstateExec from excessive costs.

Please contact Support if you would like to increase your quota.

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