License Estate
Show Table of ContentsTo continue using an estate beyond its 10-day trial period (and access its discount coupons), you must purchase an EstateExec license for the estate.
Basic Terms
EstateExec costs only $199 per estate (one payment), with access guaranteed for at least 5 years ... our lawyers won't let us promise "forever", but we have no plans to delete your estate or charge you again, and have never done so. If you grant other users the right to access the estate, they will not have to pay a separate license fee to access the estate: the license is per estate, not per user.
You can also optionally download estate account transactions from your bank for $19.99/year (first year included free in your estate license): see Bank Import for details.
See Terms and Conditions for additional information.
General Instructions
To license an estate:
- Log into EstateExec and create or open the desired estate
- Click the Estates | License menu option (or click the "License Now" button) and follow the instructions
If there is no License option, you have already purchased a license for the estate.
Corporate Users
If you are an authorized user for an organization that has purchased a volume license, once you click the "License Now" button you will be given the choice to assign a license from your company's pool of pre-purchased licenses.
To obtain permission to assign company licenses:
- From your organization's EstateExec license administrator, obtain your company's EstateExec ID and a personal authorization code
- Log into EstateExec and open the Account page (top right menu)
- Click the Corporate tab
- Enter the company ID and your authorization code, then press the Authorize button
Once you have established yourself as a Corporate user, you will also be able to see a simple dashboard of all your estates: