Export Data
Show Table of ContentsYou can export data from your EstateExec estate, for your records or to share with other people (you can also grant online access to anyone you choose).
To export any EstateExec table into a CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file, select an export option (see below) from the menu in the top right of the table. When you export a CSV file, a file named "download.csv" will automatically download to your computer, which you can then import into any program that accepts CSV files (such as Excel).

Table Export Options
There are 3 variants of CSV table exports:
- "Visible Data" — Exports all data currently in the table (as sorted), even if some rows are scrolled off-screen, but excludes any rows you have filtered out, or columns that you have hidden.
- "Selected Data" — Same as "Visible Data", but uses the default sort order and only includes rows that have been selected (via the checkmark in the leftmost column).
- "All Data" — Exports "all" data in the table in the default order, whether or not you have modified what visibly shows (but see Note below).
Note: All variants export only the data to which the browser table currently has access. If there are older items that reside only on the server, the "Include Older Items" button below the table will be active. If you want to export ALL data ever known to the system, repeatedly press the "Include Older Items" button, until it indicates that there are no more, then do the export.