Probate Forms (NT)

Updated Oct 5, 2024
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There are a number of province-specific forms you may need when going through the probate process.

General NT Forms

In the Northwest Territories, the Supreme Court based in Yellowknife handles probate and estate administration (see Court Registries for contact information).

You can find the following commonly used forms (and others) in NT Probate Forms.


  • Application for Grant (Form 6) - Get the probate process started
  • Affidavit in Support of Application (Form 7) - Include with application
  • Schedule 1: Deceased (Form 8)
  • Schedule 2: Will (Form 9) - If there is a will
  • Affidavit of Witness to Will (Form 10) - If there is a will
  • Schedule 3: Personal Representatives (Form 11) - Provide details about yourself
  • Schedule 4: Beneficiaries (Form 12) - List who will inherit
  • Schedule 5: Value of Estate in NT (Form 13) - List assets
  • Affidavit to Dispense with Bond (Form 17) - If you want to waive bond and estate is solvent
  • Consent to Waive Bond (Form 39) - If you want to waive bond


  • Notice to Residuary Beneficiaries (Form 14)
  • Notice to Non-Residuary Beneficiaries (Form 16)
  • Notice to Beneficiaries if no Will (Form 27)
  • Affidavit of Notice Service (Form 15)
  • Notice to Spouse (Form 18) - About rights under the Family Law Act
  • Notice to Dependant (Form 19) - About rights under the Dependants Relief Act
  • Notice to Public Trustee of Application for Grant (Form 22)
  • Notice to Creditors and Claimants (Form 41)


  • Release (Form 55) - Interested parties optionally release you from requirement to pass accounts
  • Application to Pass Accounts Informally (Form 56)
  • Affidavit in Support of Accounts Application (Form 57) - Consider using EstateExec Final Accounting Report

Small NT Estate Forms

Small estates sometimes need only 1 specialized form or affidavit: see Small NT Estates.


If the estate needs to probate real estate in another province, you may be able to reseal the original grant of probate rather than start from scratch in the secondary province: see Ancillary Probate & Resealing.

Using NT Probate Forms

For information on using NT probate forms, see How to Become Executor for a NT Estate, and Overall Probate Process in NT.

Note: If you are using EstateExec, the Tasks Tab will list a series of steps that help you understand which form to use when.

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