Probate Forms (AB)
There are a number of province-specific forms you may need when going through the probate process.
General AB Forms
In Alberta, the Court of Queen's Bench handles probate and estate administration (see Court of Queen's Bench locations).
Below you will find links that allow you to download and use some of the more common AB probate forms (you may want to check with your local court for form preferences):
- Application for Personal Representative Grant (Form GA 1) - Get the probate process started
- Inventory (Form GA 2) - List of assets and debts
- Affidavit of Witness to a Will (Form GA 8) - Attach to application if there is a will
- Renunciation (Form GA 11) - Attach to application from anyone with equal or higher priority as executor
- Bond Waiver (Form GA 14) - Attach to Application if desired and not addressed by will
- Notice of Application (Form GA 3) - Send to heirs
- Affidavit of Service (Form GA 5) - Tell the court you delivered the required notices
- Notice to of Grant Issuing (Form GA 7) - Tell heirs you have been appointed executor
- Notice to Creditors (Form GA 15) - Tell creditors you the estate is being settled
- Declaration of Publication (Form GA 16) - Tell the court you published the required notice
- Application to Pass Accounts (Form ACC 1) - Consider using the EstateExec Accounting Report
- Affidavit of Personal Representative (Form ACC 2) - Submit with ACC 1
- Final Accounting - Consider using the EstateExec Accounting Report
- Application to Informally Pass Accounts (Form ACC 10) - Skip formal accounting
Note that some of these forms supplied by AB require you to use a standalone PDF Reader, such as Adobe Acrobat, and will not function in the browser.
See AB Probate Forms for a more complete list of forms that may be required in certain situations, and find even more in Alberta Surrogate Rules Schedule 3. You can also purchase a complete package of Surrogate Forms and instructions from the Queen's Printer Bookstore.
See also CPLEA Guide for Starting Probate, and the Calgary Guide to Practical Matters After a Death.
Small AB Estate Forms
Small estates sometimes need only 1 specialized form or affidavit: see Small AB Estates.
If the estate needs to probate real estate in another province, you may be able to reseal the original grant of probate rather than start from scratch in the secondary province: see Ancillary Probate & Resealing.
Using AB Probate Forms
For information on using AB probate forms, see
How to Become Executor for
Note: If you are using EstateExec, the Tasks Tab will list a series of steps that help you understand which form to use when.
Additional Information
In case you're interested, probate forms for other provinces can be found here: