Obtaining Past Tax Returns
Show Table of ContentsA recent tax return for the decedent can be very helpful in discovering assets and debts, and in filing any current tax forms.
If you cannot easily find a recent return in the decedent's papers, or obtain one from the decedent's lawyer or tax accountant, then you can request access from the CRA:
- Go to CRA: Represent a Client and sign in or register
- As part of the process, you will have to send the CRA documentation such as a death certificate, the deceased's SIN, and a copy of the will or a Grant of Letters
- Send a request in writing to a Tax Centre, putting the words "The Estate of the Late" in front of the deceased person's name
- You can also call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 to ask about previous year returns
In Quebec, you can request past returns from Revenue Québec after
as the estate liquidator with Revenue Québec.
See also CRA: Estate Legal Representative.
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