EstateExec online software helps consumers and lawyers manage settlement of estates and trusts.
Lawyers primarily use EstateExec to simplify administrative and financial tasks, and to better coordinate with (or even supervise) their clients. You can create as many estates as you want, and grant online access to other people for a given estate with either View or Edit permissions.
Think of EstateExec™ for estate settlement as Quicken® is for personal finance management. It can't do it for you, but it can provide great assistance.

EstateExec helps lawyers and professional executors collect, manage, and optionally share estate data:
Inventory Estate — Organize, track, and report on estate assets and debts
Manage Cashflow — Track and report estate income and expenses, including planned cash balances
- Track Executor Activity — Follow executor actions and expenses
- Plan Estate Disposition — Identify which assets to sell and which to distribute; resolve debts
Manage Distributions — Allocate and track distributions to comply with terms of the will
You can optionally share this data with other people, including co-workers or other interested parties (such as the executor or even heirs), giving them View or Edit access. You can also export data into PDF or data files (CSV).
By collaborating online with your clients, you can better track what they are doing. Alternately, if you wish to retain control of the data, you can share read-only status with your clients to reduce unwarranted concerns and set their minds at ease. Or simply send them PDF outputs.

If multiple people within your law firm will be using EstateExec for multiple clients, you can take advantage of our Corporate licensing program, which provides additional capabilities for managing pools of licenses.

You can use EstateExec free for 10 days. EstateExec costs only CA$199 per estate, making it easy to bill to client accounts, and volume discounts are available. You can also optionally download transactions from your bank for CA$19.99/year (first year included free in your estate license).
In addition, you can add your firm at no charge to EstateExec's listings of local lawyers.
We hope you find EstateExec useful!